Yes...............Emperor Scorpion
Yes...............Dictator Emperor Scorpion
Not Yet..........Flat Rock Scorpion
Bird Eaters
Yes.................Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula
Yes.................Salmon Bird Eating Tarantula
Yes................ Mexican Red Legged Tarantula
Yes.................Curly Haired Tarantula
No...................Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
Soon...............Mexican Flame Knee Tarantulas
Not Yet...........Mexican Red Rump Tarantula
Yes................Mexican Pink Beauty Tarantula
Other Tarantulas
Not Yet............Brazillian Black Tarantula
Not Yet.............Panama Blonde Tarantula
Not Yet............Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula
Yes….........…..Yucatan Rustrump Tarantula
Yes..................Brazillian White Kneed Tarantula
Other Arachnids
Yes............... Tanzanian Tailless Whipscorpion
No..................Giant Vinagroon
Please inquiry to see what other arachnids we might have access to.
Notice ALL Scorpions will not be touched by any guest for guests safety.