Hello everyone. My name is Mike, and as you might guess Mike’s Critters was originally my idea/dream.
Over the years it’s been refined a bit by things I learned at BCIT and by the suggestions and help of several people that I would now like to thank.
First off is Liz Yeung and my parents Ken and Sandy Larson for their support and all the miles they have put on their cars getting me around town over the years as well as their work helping me get Mike’s Critters to where it is now.
Then to Mike Hylands and his wife Chris for their support and ideas.
My Uncle Gord for all his time on the computer getting all the pictures ready for the site.
Milt Michael for his design and maintenance of this site.
My friends for putting up with all of my Critters over all the years.
My sister, Christie Walton, for translating my words into English that others can understand.
And a very big thank you to all my critters past, present and future I
couldn’t do this with out you guys.
And finally to the people who have worked for and have hired us here at Mike’s Critters over the years and to all the future people and friends we will work with.
Mike |